ninux (rtos)
Small rtos that is posix compliant for projects based on 32bit microcontrolers (mainly stm32)
system features
- drivers for microcontrolers stm32f1, stm32f3 and stm32f4
- pthreads
- tcp/ip stack (bsd sockets)
- sem_t
- mutex
- time
- fatfs
- unistd
- kconfig-based build system
- ring buffer
- mqueue
- sdspi
additional functions
- http server with support for simple scripting language (ala php)
- non-volatile memory config manager
- mqtt client
- ftp client
- hwclock
tools and technologies
- c language
- linux
- gcc
- git
- uart
- rtc
- spi
- adc
- jtag debugging
- arm cortex m3 oraz cortex m4
- cmake
- tcp/ip